Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yummy Cubed Potatoes

I don't know what they are really called but that will do. My first lesson, not hard, but I have to start somewhere. Because I take pictures of everything, I documented the whole process. So I will tell you how to do it, if you feel the need to cook.

First: Wash your potatoes, they don't get pealed.

Second: Cut your potatoes into cubes

Third: Cover (and I mean really cover) the bottom of your skillet in veggie oil

Fourth: chop a onion and add to skillet. Turn the stove on, stir
onion and oil.

Fifth: If you haven't finished chopping your potatoes, do that now.

Sixth: Add potatoes to skillet, stir.

Seventh: stir in your choice of seasonings. I used garlic powder, thyme, salt, and a parmesan garlic mix thing.

Eighth: cover and stir occasionally

Ninth: when the potatoes are soft or however you like them cooked, remove from skillet and put um in a bowl.
Ten: enjoy