Friday, August 5, 2011

3 Good Days

Day one of kingdom bound- Manifest, Tenth Avenue North, and Hawk Nelson Manifest was good, weird, but good. As usual T.A.N. was amazing. I was surprised with Hawk Nelson. I have never really like this band but I must say that seeing them live is well worth it. They were a lot of fun.

Day two- Lift, To Tell, House of Heroes, Jeremy Camp, and SkilletLift is a local band, Spencer actually works with the lead guitarist. They were pretty good. To Tell was very entertaining but musically no so good, great live but I wouldn't buy their CD. House of heroes I had never heard of before, they were real good, we bought their CD. I thought that I have never heard Jeremy Camp but it turned out that I knew a lot of their songs. They are amazing. Spencer went to camp electric last week and his teacher there was Donny Cox, the man behind the lovely red piano. I got my picture taken with Jeremy but it was with my friend's camera so I don't have it. Skillet was mind blowing! They put on a great show. In the above picture John Cooper is indeed pointing right at me and my rebel T3i (which takes amazing pictures). They set things on fire again this year and they had a creepy monster thing for their song "Monster". It was so awesome I took two hundred pictures.

Day Three- Vota, Brit Nicole, Classic Crime, and RED!! This was the day that we were not going to miss. Vota is good but the lead singer is somewhat odd. Brit Nicole was a good find, defiantly a girl band, perfect for a sunny day. But the Classic Crime was who I really wanted to see. Awesome! They are my singing-along-in-the-car-with-the-windows-down-life-is-good-band. So despite the rain (which had been falling all day) I was all smiles. Red is epic every time I see them. They are my favorite. I love all of their songs and the music is perfect!
And there is nothing better then spending three good days with some awesome people.

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