Friday Spencer was at an airsoft war. As they followed the creek looking for a place to cross, his friend Tim saw a large eel in a small hole at bottom of the creek bed. But after throwing a big rock in the hole, it was not one large eel but three small ones.
Throwing more rocks and calling for help from Pete and Ben they managed to trap one of the eels under two big rocks. Thinking it was dead Ben went into the creek to retrieve its body to identify it. However it was not dead it attacked Ben and tried to eat him. After a brutal struggle trying to apprehend the creature Pete suddenly shouts in a terrifying manner "Ben drop it!! Its a lamprey eel!!" Ben almost dropped it but whips it to creek bank. Where it is quickly bombarded with a hail of airsoft BBs and rocks, all the while Pete is screaming like a little girl, "Kill it!!!! Kill it, crush it....I hate lampreys."
After it was dead they quickly proceeded to pursue the other two that had escaped down the creek. Spreading out in a fan formation the four friend started to scan the creek for a place a eel can conceal itself. Finally finding one in a deeper part under some hanging branches. Tim, Pete
(who had changed his fear for the creatures into anger) , and Ben started to chuck rocks at it like depth charges. Spencer had his fully automatic gun, so when the rocks shot the eel out of the water he could spray a constant stream of plastic bullets into its flank. After chasing it in that manner for two hundred feet down the creek there happen to be a very shallow part and again Ben rushes out, and tries to drops a huge rock on the eel, but it quickly moves out of his way. But Ben with his lightening reflexes stomps on it. They never found the third lamprey eel.
After it was dead they quickly proceeded to pursue the other two that had escaped down the creek. Spreading out in a fan formation the four friend started to scan the creek for a place a eel can conceal itself. Finally finding one in a deeper part under some hanging branches. Tim, Pete
(Lampreys are pests and programmes are in place to keep the population at bay. They are destroying fish populations and people are trying very hard to keep them out of lake, forcing them to dwell in streams.)
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