Friday, April 24, 2009

I Haven't Fallen off the Face of the Earth

But I was on TV this week! Our home-school group went to visit the channel 4 news station. Technically I have graduated and I don't have to involve myself in such school related endeavors. However, this field trip intrigued me and so I went. We meet some news people, I have a new found respect of these people. It is not easy to speak non stop at quickening speeds and sometimes off the tops of their heads. Sitting in on the 12 o'clock news report was enjoyable. I never realized how small the news room actually is, everything is right there. At the end of the broad cast they announced that we were there and showed us on camera holding up our four fingers ( for the 4 in channel 4). It takes a lot to format the news. I am very enlightened. Isn't this camera the most wonderful picture you've ever seen. All their cameras are remote activated and they are all controlled by one man sitting at a computer. The green screen was alot of fun too. :^)

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