Monday, August 11, 2008

The Reunion

The family reunion was rather boring since nobody was there. Well there were people there but I knew none of them. So many people brought their boyfriends and girlfriends that I forgot who were the ones I was related to and who were just visiting. Most of the conversations went something like this:

Hi, how are you doing?
Oh I'm fine.
It great to see you. are you?
Well do you know that person over there?
Well that is my mother's sister's step brother's wife he has several kids and two dogs. Do you know me now?
Haven't the foggiest.

The food sucked. There were no games. But the hayride did have hay!! Maybe too much hay, I was picking it out of my hair long after it was over. And Pap got Spencer with a very large hand full down his paints. Jello house were planed, Not a bad day.

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