Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Facing Death...

..and enjoying it. Well, at certain times it wasn't that much fun. I guess I should have realized  that when one says " lets take the 4 wheeler up the mountain" that there is indeed a mountain involved. What I really want to know is who's idea was it to build a trail on the side of a mountain. Let me say, they were crazy. Imagine a dirt road; now cut that road into thirds. Take one of those slices and dump a truck load of rocks on it. Big rocks. Then on top of those rocks dump a pile of dry loose dirt. Add more rocks. Now, put that whole thing on the side of a mountain. Making sure there is a shier drop on one side and plenty of blind corners. Just add me in a gaiter and the scene is set.
 It started out nice and flat, mom and I in the gaiter, Samantha and my uncle on the 4 wheeler. Then we started up. Higher and higher.
  The whole time we were thinking, ' if this is bad going up just wait till we have come down'. I made good use of the bar that was known by the locals as the ' oh s*** bar'. We didn't go all the way to the top so we had to turn around. Mom, a first time driver, who was doing amazingly well, pasted the wheel over to my uncle for our dangerous u-turn.
Heading back down surprisingly wasn't as bad as we thought. My uncle only had to jump off once to save himself and Samantha from tipping over. But no one plummeted to there death. So in the end was it worth it? Yes, for the view of the Wyoming outback and the lizard that ran across in front on us. I have dust in places that dust shouldn't be but I had a blast! I wouldn't take it back if I could!
I wouldn't take it back if I could!


Unknown said...

OH MY!!! I am sure glad I am reading about this after the fact. I would have been sick with worry if I had known that you might be upside down in a canyon!!!! Stay safe and love your blogs.

Minnie said...

Sounds exciting! Hope we get to see some pictures of your adventures!