Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello September

This past week has been interesting. For starters mom and dad went to Texas. Which left me with the kids for four days. I'm not sure why, but whenever I watch the boys they always seem to injure themselves. Red-head number one had a log attack him and his right side, from his shoulder to him ankle, is all scratched up. The days fallowing he wouldn't wear a shirt so that everyone could see his battle scares. Red-head number two got a bloody nose and has a lovely looking bruise between his eyes, which I am sure are both going to turn black. Red-head number three came out filthy but otherwise unscathed. Then as if running the house for four days wasn't hard enough, a creepy cat showed up. Well more of a kitten, but still creepy enough that we all rushed inside. This cat was missing its lower jaw. It was so gross to say the least. It hung out around the house and because I am who I am, I felt sorry for it. The thing was half starved so I had to feed it. We put a little dish of food in a cage and when it went in to eat we trapped it. This time we call the towns Animal Control Officer (the fancy name for the dog catcher) . But the ACO doesn't deal with cats. How can you call yourself a ACO if you don't deal with cats? Are cats not animals anymore? They were no help at all so I kept feeding it. I refused to let anyone shot it because despite the fact of missing an important body part it was doing rather well. I named it Jaws and to cut a long story short, we found a home for it. And to make it even better she said she never puts cats to sleep ( I hate animals being put to sleep) and that her vet says that "if you put a cat in one room and its leg in another, it will heal." To all this moms says "Don't loss your kind heart, just get married".

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