Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Funk

It is so easy for me to fall into a funk when it comes to blogging. I love to blog but when nothing but life is happening I stop. So I am updating to get me out of said funk. Work has picked up again so that is keeping me a little busy. I'm just about to finish a painting. It is of trees in the moonlight. Calling it "Trees in the moonlight" seems a bit obvious so I shall have to think of something better. I love trees. Fall is truly upon us now, I ate a apple today and it tasted like everything fall is. Yummmm! I have started reading 'The Guardian' by Nicolas Sparks. Its wonderful but it freaked me out last night and it took me forever to fall asleep. Something about stalkers have always freaked me out...creepy. Also, I must make a confession; I am somewhat obsessed with Americas Next Top Model. Mostly for the photography parts of it, I'm not about to go off and walk the runway (That would be something don't you think). I watch it when I have a free moment, which is part of the reason I haven't been blogging as much. Funny how that works isn't it.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i read The Guardian a few years ago and really liked it. the ending is kinda crazy. but i agree its kind of freaky.