Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Bunny Story

All the bunnies are gone. When we were on our family bike ride, most of the bunnies escaped. The people taking care of them while we were gone thought that they were supposed to be out, so they never put them back in the cage. We have cats and they like fuzzy things that hop. Anyway, when we got home we found that three of them had been killed. (including the two that we were going to keep) We caught the remaining bunnies and recaged them. The next day another one got out and before we could get it, the cat did. So we were down to four fuzz balls. And those ones were already promised to someone. Meaning we couldn't keep any. They went flop eared. So they all look dopey.On Wednesday Samantha and mom took the three rabbits Nicky, Cappuccino, and Buggsy (who was the bunny hopping round in our yard, we caught her) to the auction. They made eight dollars.
Now we are back down to our original two, Mordecai and Naomi.

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