Tuesday, November 3, 2009

In The Name of Art

Well, the other day Mom, Samantha, and I want for a walk in the park. As we were walking we come upon a overgrown retaining wall. Who knew that a retaining wall could be so much fun. I told Samantha to climb up the wall so I could take her picture. Very surprisingly, she did. She didn't even complain about the mud or the little twig crown she was given. We spent about a half an hour laughing our heads off while she positioned herself into different poses. Thankfully we weren't seen by any other bike path occupant.I don't remember how we got the idea for this one. Probably something like "Samantha go jump in the lake." It would have look better without the bush. So picture it; mom and I standing across the road up on the bike path roaring with laughter as Samantha flings herself off a small incline towards the lake. We basically walked around the lake laughing every step of the way.


Abi said...

what fun pictures, your blog always brings a smile to my face

Miss Brenda said...

Aren't the three of you good looking? Too bad your mom doesn't blog any more.