Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nine lives

My cat fell down the stairs this morning. He's not a stupid cat ( as some people would think) he's just old. But we have no idea how he managed it. I was just out getting out of bed and I heard the loudest most horrible cat screech ever, several thumps, and then a rain of cries for the bottom of the stairs. Everybody rushed out of their rooms to see what had happened. Dad yelled up the steps " The cat fell down the stairs" Spencer added " He's dieing". Slightly panic stricken I got to my cat as fast as I could. Mom was already leaning over him stroking he gently, he seemed fine. Spencer said when he hit the ground he put both paws over his head laid there and yelled " I'm dieing" in cat lingo. Well he was fine just a little shocked, he laid there for awhile and then got up and found a quite place to lay down. We are now wondering what life he is on, he's been shot, fallen down the stairs, so that and all the other things he gotten into I'd say maybe on life six or seven.

1 comment:

Shep said...

Sad Day :-(

Let's practice treating me like a real person, shall we...