Saturday, December 6, 2008

Three of Everything and Three Too Many

At work we are working up a new pattern, a coastal theme. I help design it (I did the shells) , now we have to bring it up to inventory. But this week I have to paint three of everything, for shows, picture and other things. However, I didn't realize how much there actually is. The picture (left or above) isn't even half of anything. I keep painting and painting then I look on my list, that I now have of everything, and find that I still have so much more to paint. We are talking, like, a hundred some pieces. My fingers cramp up. Not only do I have to paint everything in blue, it also comes in green. Oh, and did I mention that it all has to be done by Monday.

I love my job.


Spencer said...

L took that picture

Spencer said...

sorry I took tha picture

Abi said...

Hey miss Sarah, where do you sell these beautiful pieces of art?

Sarah Elizabeth said...

I personally don't sell them. I give them to my boss and she sells them. They have a website and a magazine if you are interested.

Spencer said...

hay does my picture work

Miss Brenda said...

Hay Spence, it works for me!