Sunday, December 2, 2007

Slacker, (sorry)

When it comes to this blog I am a slacker, I don't want to be but I am. I never remember that I have a blog, well that is a little bit of an over statement, I just forget to write stuff on it, sorry. Nothing at all of interest ever happens in such a small town, so interesting things to write about are few if not any. Ok, I have one thing to write about, if it is interesting that is up to you, I want to a play called the "The Snow Queen" why it was called the Snow Queen I am still not quite sure. It started with little children I thought were brother and sister leaving there grandmothers house to play in the snow, but the devil showed up and made the little boy bad so he ran off with the snow queen to live in her palace, the little girl travel the world to find him with the help of a crow and a deer after the robber girl let her go after taking her captive, she found the boy at the palace trying to get out by spelling the word eternity with letters that moved, she cried, the devil left the boy and she helped him spell the word, then they went home to grandmother, The End. After it was over I found out the they weren't brother and sister but just friends, I think it was the little girls grandmother. I didn't get the part with the snow queen, was she bad or good ? why did she take the boy? who made her the Queen? was she working with the devil? So many unanswers questions. It was all done with really large puppets that looked weird, I know that the people worked hard to make them but they were just plan weird. This is not a play that I would recommend to anyone over the age of ten or lower. So far that is the only interesting thing that's happened all week and the week is over.

1 comment:

Miss Brenda said...

I recommend the movie "Enchanted". It is very clear who everyone is. The wicked stepmother is very wicked. The poisonous apples are very poisonous. The Princess is very princessy and the divorce lawyer gets even more than he deserves in the end. The theatre, the theatre, what's happened to the theatre. There are no weird puppets, unless the cockroaches are not real.